1 class Person {
2 constructor(first, last, age, hobbies) {
3 this.name = {first,last};
4 this.age = age;
5 this.hobbies=hobbies;
6 }
7 }
8 class Developer extends Person {
9 constructor(first,last,age,role,traits,hobbies){
10 super(first,last,age,hobbies);
11 this.role=role
12 this.traits=traits
13 }
14 greeting() {
15 console.log(`Hi! I'm ${this.name.first} and I'm
16 ${this.age}.I am a ${this.role} Developer`);
17 };
18 }
19 let age=new Date().getFullYear()-1999;
20 let I = new Developer('Amaresh','S M', age, 'Frontend',
21 ['UI/UX','DEV'], ['Listening to music','Playing games']);
22 I.greeting();
I'm a web and mobile app developer who is passionate and dedicated towards my work. I have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge to make your project successful. I enjoy every step of the design process, from discussion and collaboration to concept and execution, but I feel more relished on seeing the completed project doing what it has been intended to do.
Connect me onThe platform where I contribute coding solutions to the questions raised by other people during my free time thereby expanding my knowledge.
It shows the side view of an underground sewage. With the help of HTML CSS and JavaScript I have added some animations through which one can visualize the water flow and it's direction. It also has options to block the manholes and to vary the water levels in sewage.